Amazing Workflow Automation for Civil Engineering Businesses.
- Finance Workflow Automation
- Job/Docket Workflow Automation
- HR Workflow Automation
- WHS Automation
- Training and Induction Workflow Automation
Digitise and Automate all your Civil Engineering Business Processes.
Reduce paper, improve compliance, save money with digital workflow automation. We help you convert your paper processes into simple, easy to use digital processes that are all accessed in one place.
Why choose Cypher IQ Digital.
Provides you with:
- Integrate your Finance Department
- Docket management, rostering and invoicing
- Track, notify and communicate with contractors and visitors to your sites
- Manage all licences, certifications and training
- All your HR needs in a single application and automated
“It’s been an eye opener for us, to see potential revenue that maybe had been lost.”

Cypher IQ Digital's benefits checklist.
- Real time data processing
- Work from anywhere
- Instant WHS notifications and management alerts
- Onsite or remote support
- Single sign on (SSO)
- Customisable
Workflow Automation Customer Quotes
Our employees aren’t necessarily tech savy. We are concerned with rolling out technology and they wont be able to use it.
Our software is used across many different industries and user groups. From our experience and with the right “Change Management” users are positive about the experience as it makes their day to day work easier to manage. We will help you plan for the roll out of the solution and provide feedback on the best way to handle the process.
Can we manage Assets within the Cypher IQ Platform?
The Cypher IQ Digital Civil Engineering Solution has an Asset Management Component that enables you to manage ANY asset. You can set reminders and calendar entries for service, registrations or any other record you need to manage.
Our staff are required to keep certifications and training certificates up to date. How is this managed?
All your contacts, whether they are Contractors, or Employees can have a record of all their certifications, licences and training kept against their record. Reminders are set, alerts sent and visual cues provide administration details on when a record will be expiring. Via our Recruitment / Job Application process we can automatically capture this information for new employees!
Do we have to use the Cypher IQ Digital solution for all our business processes?
We have created Industry Solutions so businesses can see how they can scale the Cypher IQ Digital Workflow Automation Platform to suit their needs. If you just want to start with a particular process or departmental workflows then that’s completely ok!
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